A Voice for Change in Dallas

Bridging Gaps, Empowering Communities

I’m Rodney LaBruce, running for Texas's 30th Congressional District. My commitment is to address the real challenges families face with integrity and transparency. I’m focused on bridging the gap between the wealthy and the rest of us, bringing meaningful change, and ensuring every voice is heard.

Community-focused Candidate

As I step forward to run for Congress in District 30, I bring with me a deep commitment to our community and a clear vision for a brighter future. My journey has been shaped by a lifetime of service, both as a pastor and as a dedicated member of our community. For years, I focused on building a career and raising ...

Zero Tolerance for Poverty

One of the core principles of my campaign is a Zero Tolerance for Poverty. This is not just a slogan—it’s a fundamental commitment to address and eliminate the root causes of poverty in our district. I’ve seen firsthand how poverty affects every aspect of life, from health and education to safety and opportunity. ...

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How can I get involved with the campaign?

Answer: There are many ways to get involved! You can volunteer to help with canvassing, phone banking, event planning, and more. Visit our "Get Involved" page to sign up and learn more about upcoming opportunities. We also welcome donations to support our campaign efforts. Every bit helps!

2) What are Rodney LaBruce’s main policy priorities?

Answer: Rodney LaBruce is committed to addressing key issues that affect our community, including:

  • Economic Growth: Promoting job creation, supporting small businesses, and enhancing job training programs.
  • Affordable Housing: Advocating for initiatives to make housing more accessible and affordable for all.
  • Healthcare Access: Expanding access to quality healthcare services and supporting mental health programs.
  • Education Improvement: Improving the quality and accessibility of education, including support for bilingual programs.
  • Transportation and Infrastructure: Enhancing public transportation and infrastructure to benefit our community.
  • Civil Rights and Equality: Championing voting rights, criminal justice reform, and equal opportunities for all residents.

3) What makes you qualified?

Answer: I bring a wealth of life experience and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by everyday people in our district. While I may not have held public office before, I’ve spent my life working hard, raising a family, and navigating the same obstacles many of you face. This gives me a unique perspective and a strong connection to the community. My focus is on practical solutions and genuine representation, not political gamesmanship. I’m ready to bring fresh ideas and a new approach to Congress, where integrity and dedication are at the forefront of everything I do.

4) What are your values?

Answer: My core values are rooted in truth, transparency, and fairness. I believe in standing up for what’s right, even when it’s difficult. I value honesty in leadership and am committed to serving with integrity. My guiding principles include fighting for economic and social justice, ensuring equal opportunities for all, and working towards a future where everyone has the chance to succeed, regardless of their background or income level.

5) What are you going to do for me?

I’m here to represent you and make your voice heard in Washington. My focus will be on addressing the issues that matter most to our community: improving access to quality healthcare, creating good-paying jobs, making housing more affordable, and ensuring our children receive the education they deserve. I will work tirelessly to bring resources and opportunities back to our district, and I will always put the needs of our community first.

6) What makes you different than your opponent?

Answer: What sets me apart from my opponent is my unwavering commitment to truth and transparency, and my deep-rooted connection to this community. While others may have more traditional political experience, I bring a fresh perspective and a genuine desire to serve. I’m not beholden to special interests or entrenched political powers. My focus is on real solutions for real people, not on maintaining the status quo. I’m ready to fight for the changes we need, with the honesty and integrity that our district deserves.

7) Why should I trust you?

Answer: What sets me apart from my opponent is my unwavering commitment to truth and transparency, and my deep-rooted connection to this community. While others may have more traditional political experience, I bring a fresh perspective and a genuine desire to serve. I’m not beholden to special interests or entrenched political powers. My focus is on real solutions for real people, not on maintaining the status quo. I’m ready to fight for the changes we need, with the honesty and integrity that our district deserves.

Thank you for your trust and support. Let’s make a difference together. I can’t do it without you!

Support the Cause

Your contribution makes a difference. By donating, you’re helping to fuel a campaign dedicated to ending poverty, ensuring affordable housing, and empowering our community. Together, we can bring real change to District 30.

My Mission, Your Future

Dive into the core objectives of my campaign. Understand how I’m working to create lasting change in your community.

Your Voice Matters

I’m here to listen and to serve. Reach out to me with your questions, concerns, or ideas. Together, we can make a difference in District 30.